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"Closer to home, the writings of Martínez-Gómez resonate with the work of our Montrealer Gloria Macher (Peruvian-Canadian with a pinch of Brazilian), among which Flor de araribá (Verbum 2017), a story of intrigue, racial and gender discrimination, the horrors of the prison system and agribusiness corruption in a remote region of Brazil and experienced firsthand through the eyes of Marcos, a doctor researching the cholera epidemic. Ingrid Bejerman (2020)


Featured Editorials of Javeriana Magazine from Javeriana University in Bogotá, Colombia, 2019

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"Flower of Araribá" and "Protocol 48"


Article "Tribute in Montreal to the Mexican poet and writer Alfonso Reyes" by Francisco Ortiz Velázquez from Crónica Norte / Latitud45, Montreal, Canada, 2019


Photo: Francisco Ortiz Velascos

Gloria Macher's meetings with various Colombian media at FILBO where she spread the message of absurd bureaucracy in "Protocol 48" and the harmful repercussions of agribusiness in "Flor de Araribá".


The author thanks Radio Caracol, Radio UTADEO, Laud Radio, UN Radio and Redacción K


Article “Exploring our place in Quebec and Canada” in the newspaper Community Contact Montreal, Volume 28, Number 22


November 8, 2018


Participation of Gloria Macher in a panel discussion on identity and relevance, in which she presented different points of view on the subject, from several of her works

Event : Interview with Ana Silvia Garcia in her cultural program

Place : Radio Centre-Ville 102.3FM, Montreal, Canada

Date : March 2017


Excerpts from the interview in which the writer Gloria Macher talks about humanist literature, her works, being Viajando por precipicios her latest short story book, and her writing process.


Event : Interview with Víctor Campos Ñique in his TV program Emisión Cultural on BTV 45, Chincha

Place : Chincha, Peru

Date : February 2017


The works of Gloria Macher in contemporary and Peruvian literature


Event : Interview with José Luis Pérez of W Radio México

Place : Guadalajara International Book Fair

Date : November 2016


Talk about the works of Gloria Macher and their humanist content

Event : Interview with Akim Kermiche

Organization : Program "The color of words" on Radio downtown 102.3

Place : Montreal, Canada

Date : February 24, 2016



By writing "La gringa del parque" always keeping in mind that we can claim various cultural identities, I wanted to shake up the conventional definition that links cultural identity exclusively to the country of origin or to the geographical territory.

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Event : Interview with Ana Silvia Garcia

Organization : Downtown Radio 102.3

Place : Montreal, Canada

Date : February 14, 2016

By sharing their respective symbolic universes with different groups, we promote a sense of common belonging. As is the case with several characters of "La gringa del parque", it creates a solid base to engage socially, politically and economically with the realities of others and our own.



Event : Interview with Leonora Chapman

Organization : Radio Canada International

Place : Montreal, Canada

Date : January 2016

What I wanted to address in my latest novel “La gringa del parque” in relation to the feeling of belonging is the idea that can be attributed to various identities. That one can have feelings of belonging that are not necessarily based on nationalistic or territorial visions, but feelings that are formed in different ways. This means that the human being has the capacity to have several identities within himself. Gloria Macher, writer.


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Event : Interview with Ana Silvia Garcia

Organization : Monthly magazine "Pulso"

Place : Montreal, Canada

Date : October 14, 2015…/gloria-macher-y-el-placer-de-escribir/

Do you consider writing as a source of inspiration or a discipline? Both. Inspiration is key because without it, you don't maintain the flow necessary to move the story forward. It's like the rhythm you feel when you dance, if you don't have it and you start thinking about what your foot needs to do in the next step, you stop dancing. Discipline is also essential. Without it, you don't get anything, you don't evolve, you don't grow, you don't finish, in short, you can't write.


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Event : Interview on the Ana Silvia García show

Organization : Radio downtown 102.3 FM Montreal

Place : Montreal, Canada

Date : September 27, 2015


(starts at 63:10).




Event : Video interview

Agency :Editorial Verbum

Place : Madrid, Spain

Date : June 2015

Gloria Macher analyzes My Queen


Event : Interview

Organization :Radio Canada International/ Leonora Chapman, journalist

Place : Montreal, Canada

Date : May 2014

Interview with Leonora Chapman, journalist for Radio Canada International:

Talking to Gloria Machar is like reading an adventure book. There is no time for boredom, but rather yes for surprises! In the interview, we can understand how even though Gloria hasn't lived in Peru for a long time, her native country has marked her deeply, which is reflected in her stories and her fictional characters.



International Latino Book Award - Best EBook Fiction - Spanish or Bilingual The Arteries of Don Fernando

Place : Las Vegas, United States


Date : June 2014


Writer Gloria Macher is recognized in the United States By Abel Fuchslocher


LAS VEGAS, USA. Peruvian-Canadian writer Gloria Macher received the award for best electronic book, fiction category, from the organization Latino Literacy Now. The recognition goes to Las Arterias de Don Fernando.


After the recognition, Gloria Macher said that "to receive an award is to realize that what you have done in your hidden corner has meaning for some, and it puts a big smile on your face, of satisfaction and joy".


Illustrious figures of Latin American letters such as Alma Flor Ada, Isabel Allende, Rudy Anaya, Mary J. Andrade and Edna Iturralde were also honored during the event.


Las Arterias de Don Fernando is a book that portrays Peruvian society with humor and closeness, telling the adventures of its protagonist, Efraín Gonzáles, a young man with enormous ambition (we can say greed) that leads him to exceed his own limits and also those of morality. 


Unfortunately we are surrounded by many Ephraims, they can take several forms: men, women, corporations, countries. Inordinate ambition and the torments of conscience are themes that have always been present in the literature of all nations,” explains the writer.

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Place : Montreal, Canada


Date : December 13, 2013

Brief review of the literature written by Latin-Canadian women Radio Canada International interviewed Lady Rojas Benavente, Professor at Concordia University In 2013, several Latin-Canadian authors presented their latest publications. From "Los silencios de la puerta roja", the first novel by the Colombian Canadian Ana Margarita Ferro, to the novel "Las arterías de don Fernando", by the Peruvian Canadian Gloria Macher, via "El árbol del panada" by the Chilean Canadian Gabriela Etcheverry, the literary production of Latin Canadian women is diversified.

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Event : Article by Frida Velarde, journalist Organization: Journal Comercio Latino


Place : Montreal, Canada


Date : December 3, 2013


According to his critics, the author has managed to captivate his readers from start to finish with his work, the birth of "Las Arterias de Don Fernando" occurred a few years ago in a series of short stories with various characters, who finally come together in this wonderful, hilarious, intense and restless story, with a lot of imagination and fluidity that at the same time reflects the current reality of Peruvian society.

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Event : Interview with Rufo Valencia, writer and journalist

Organization : Radio Canada International


Place : Montreal, Canada


Date : July 2013


Interview with Rufo Valencia from Radio Canada International


Event : Interview with Carlos Fernando Loayza

Organization : Philharmonic Radio


Place : Lima, Peru


Date : July 21, 2013


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Poet and novelist

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