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  • International Latino Book Award 2014”, USA

  • Finalist of the "Verbum Iberoamerican Novel Award 2017", Spain

  • Finalist of the "IV International Narrative Award: Exemplary Novels 2018",  University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain



Gloria Macher is a representative of contemporary humanist literature. She writes poetry and fiction by exploring social, political, ecological, and existential themes that fuel reflection on our human condition.


The author has published five novels, a collection of short stories, and a book of poetry: Las arterias de don Fernando (2013), Mi reina (2014), La gringa del parque (2015), Flor de Araribá (2017), Viajando por precipicios (2016), Protocolo 48 (2019), Desplazamientos (2021). Las arterias de don Fernando won “The International Latino Book Award 2014” awarded by the American organization Latin Literacy Now. Flor de Araribá was a finalist for the "2017 Ibero-American Verbum Award". Protocolo 48 was a finalist of the "IV International Prize for Narrative 2018", in tribute to Miguel de Cervantes - Faculty of Letters of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. Her novels have been presented in Mexico City, Guadalajara, Lima, Bogotá, Montreal, Ottawa, and Madrid.

As a poet, she has collaborated with various visual artists. The verses of Desplazamientos accompany works in the field of lithography and are part of the script of the short film I want more Life to Love!, finalist in the script category of the Europa Film Festival 2021.


Her short stories and poetry, in Spanish, English, and French, have been published in various anthologies and literary journals in Canada and abroad. Her short stories in English have appeared in literary magazines in Canada, such as Montreal Serai, The Nashwaak Review, In/Words Magazine and Press, Helios, and Kola Magazine. Gloria is a frequent guest at various poetry events in Montreal and has participated with her poetry in French, English, and Spanish in the Montreal International Poetry Festival, the World Poetry Festival, and the Marrakech International Poetry Festival in 2020. 


Gloria was born in Lima, Peru and resides in Montreal. She obtained a BA from McGill University and an MA from the University of Montreal. She worked in scientific research for the Ministry of Health of Quebec. Gloria is a member of the Committee of Writers of the International PEN of Peru,  UNEQ,  the Union of Writers and Writers of Quebec, QWF, Quebec Federation of Writers, CAH, Canadian Association of Hispanists, and a member of the consultation committee of the Spanish and Portuguese section of the Blue Metropolis International Festival in Montreal.

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Virtual Composition by Gloria Macher

Poet and novelist

PUBLICATIONS - Click on book for more info


Talking to Gloria Macher is like reading her novels. There is no place for boredom, but rather for surprises!


Journalist, Radio Canada International

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Poet and novelist

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